Close Up Episodes Available now

Iconic TV: China
A look at the popular Chinese TV programme 'Dream of the Red Chamber'

Iconic TV America
A look at the world-wide appeal of the TV comedy drama M*A*S*H

Quiet Revolution in the Concert Hall - Part 2
The Venezuelan sistema in action at a children's music centre in Caracas, Venezuela

Noisy Ape - Part 4 - Noise is Big Business
A look at fighting noise with noise, technology and legislation

Iranian Humour
Exploring the comedy of Iran with comedian Omid Djalili

Trailblazers - Robert Wilson
Interview with the director who stages silent operas and 7 day plays

Trailblazers - Zaha Hadid
An interview with the ground-breaking Iraqi-born architect

Bertolt Brecht - Part Two
The impact of Bertolt Brecht today as he continues to be seen as 'a symbol of resistance'

Bertolt Brecht - Part One
Discussing the life and work of German playwright Bertolt Brecht

Rembrandt - Part Two
Composer Guy Barker continues his encounter with the 17th century Dutch painter, Rembrandt