Postmark Africa Episodes Available now
Desperately Seeking Female Playwrights
Only 13% of entries to the African Performance competition were written by women
Honeymoon Superstitions
Tying an egg-laying hen to the bed and more newlywed traditions
Six Feet Under
Where and when were coffins first introduced?
Red Sky At Night
Why does the sun turn red in the evening?
Do Mosquitos Only Bite at Night?
From malaria to rift valley fever: how and when mosquitos transmit diseases
'Planes Will Fall From the Sky'
How the millennium bug incited global panic
The Unknown Soldier
The origin of the term ‘unknown soldier’ and why it’s used
Hindu Reincarnation
Can the soul of a Hindu person return as a cow?
Release Your Cosmic Energy
How yoga’s lotus position can help release trapped cosmic energies
Why Boats Float
From simple logs to steam ships – what makes boats float in water?