This Week and Africa Episodes Available now

Sao Tome's Bloodless Coup
Sao Tome troops overthrow President Miguel Trovoada in bloodless coup

Richard Leakey Attacked in Kenya
White politician Richard Leakey attacked by government police in Kenya

Kenya's Political and Economic Reform
International concerns over Kenya's human rights record leads to political reforms

International Pressure on Nigeria
The US threatens sanctions for Nigeria following secret coup plot trials

Nigeria's Secret Trials
Nigeria carries out secret trials for those implicated in an alleged coup plot

Egypt and Sudan at Loggerheads
Egypt and Sudan trade insults amid assassination attempts

Sudan's OAU Squabble
Sudan hits out at the OAU and Eritrea for interfering in their affairs

Rwandan Government Crisis
Senior Hutu politician quits the Rwandan government and accuses them of torture

Burundian Army Attacks Hutu Suburb
Burundian army attacks Hutu militias in the suburbs of Bujumbura

Bomb Explosion in Togo
Police in Togo hunt bomb suspects after an explosion outside strategic government building