Meridian Episodes Available now

Shakespeare - Henry V
A discussion on the number of Shakespeare plays showing in smaller theatres

Luigi Pirandello
Review of the play Six Characters in Search of an Author by Luigi Pirandello

Art in the modern world
A look at the modern world and how different artists have responded to it

Helen Mirren special
A special programme devoted to the life and work of actress Helen Mirren

The Colour Of Money
Review of Martin Scorsese film The Colour Of Money starring Paul Newman and Tom Cruise

Danny Kaye tribute
A special tribute show to late actor Danny Kaye

Ken Russell's Gothic
Review of the film Gothic, directed by Ken Russell

Andy Warhol
A tribute to the late Andy Warhol

Ruddigore - Gilbert and Sullivan
A review of the Gilbert and Sullivan opera Ruddigore

The Oistrakh legacy
The return of Russian musical family the Oistrakhs, to London