Meridian Episodes Available now

Orphans - Lyle Kessler
A review of Lyle Kessler's play Orphans

The life of Rebecca West
Review of Rebecca West: A Life by Victoria Glendinning

Eros returns to Piccadilly Circus
The statue of Eros returns to its home in Piccadilly Circus

Dusty Hughes - The Futurists
A review of The Futurists, by British playwright Dusty Hughes

Out of Africa
The film Out of Africa sweeps the boards at the Oscars

The Light Rough
Review of Brian Thompson's comedy The Light Rough

E. L. Doctorow
A profile of the American novelist E. L. Doctorow

New York - art and culture
Special report from the island of Manhattan on the art and culture of New York city

Blood, Sweat and Tears
A review of Blood, Sweat and Tears, directed by John Godber

Across From the Garden of Allah
A review of Charles Wood's play starring Glenda Jackson and Nigel Hawthorn