What's The Problem? Episodes Episode guide
Torn between family and future
Health and advice programme presented by Ola Animashawun
Infidelity - part two
Second part of a special edition looking at infidelity and attitudes around the world
Infidelity - part one
This week's programme looks at infidelity
Pain during sex
One listener writes in from Nigeria and says that he and his wife have stopped having sex
Health and advice programme presented by Ola Animashawun
Getting a good night's sleep
Health and advice programme presented by Ola Animashawun
Schizophrenia medication
A young man with schizophrenia finds his medication makes him sick
Easing arthritis
A 46-year old man asks for how to deal with arthritic knees
Testicular cancer
One man asks for advice about a very personal problems
Health Issues - Iraq War
Ola Animashawun and Dr Trisha Macnair look at health problems related to the Iraq war
Sore eyes
Ola Animashawun and Dr Trisha Macnair present solutions to listeners' problems
Poor blood supply
Weekly advice programme for listeners around the world
A thief in the family
One US listener knows his brother-in-law is a thief but doesn't know what to do
Listener writes in with regards to glaucoma which he has in both eyes
The aftermath of divorce
A listener whose step mother and father are divorcing asks for advice
HIV-AIDS - part one
Part one of a two-week special, dedicated to discussing HIV and Aids, the global epidemic
HIV-Aids - part two
Second part of a special on Aids and HIV
Teenage tantrums
Dealing with difficult teenagers
Muscular dystrophy
This week's programme offers advice on disability
Living with parents
This week a listener gets advice on dealing with a difficult family situation
Cannabis and psychosis
A listener asks for advice on cannabis after having a bad experience with the drug
Getting motivated
This week's programme looks at motivation, self-confidence and impatience
Can I get TB from my friend?
Ola Animashawun and Dr Trisha Macnair answer people`s medical problems
Racist bullying
A teenager writes in from England regarding the racist bullying he is experiencing
Tongue lesions
Listener from South Africa writes regarding his tongue which has lesions and white patches
Testicular issues
Listener writes in with concerns for his friend's undescended testicle
Dealing with pressure at home
Helping listeners with problems including a working mother who is having problems at home
Health and advice programme presented Ola Animashawun
Dealing with dyslexia
Health and advice programme presented by Ola Animashawun
Health and advice programme presented by Ola Animashawun