Would you want an outdoor shooting range being built close to where you live?
Residents in Bangor aren't happy at a proposal for a 12 lane outdoor shooting range.
Some Bangor residents aren't happy at proposals for a new 12 lane outdoor shooting range in the town. They've raised concerns about noise and its close proximity to their homes. It's a very emotive issue - but is competitive shooting a sport just like any other? And if we're prepared to invest in swimming pools, gyms and pitches - shouldn't we also be prepared to spend public money on establishing safe and secure shooting ranges for people who've opted for that as their sport of choice? Mark Carruthers spoke to DUP councillor Peter Martin, Ulster Unionist MLA Alan Chambers and Tommy Mayne, Northern Ireland director from the British Association for Shooting and Conservation.
Highlights from Talkback. William Crawley and guests discuss the news headlines.