Anja and Elizabeth - Germany Calling
A German mother and her 12 year old daughter fear that they may eventually be forced to leave their Edinburgh home and prefer to take control of their destiny before this happens.
Anja and Elizabeth (12) are a mother and daughter based in Edinburgh. Anja is originally from Germany. Elizabeth was 6-months old when she and her mum moved to Edinburgh with older brother Tony and big sister Hannah. Anja's work as a computer programmer allowed her to move relatively freely, whilst the children's love of their primary school in Edinburgh's Stockbridge and their ease adapting to English meant the city quickly felt like home. Elizabeth is now in her second year at high school. She loves ballet, reading and sleepovers with her friends. She can speak a little German, but she only really uses it when she sees her grandparents and dad in Germany during the holidays. It's spoken by Anja at home, but the children always respond to her in English. Anja feels so disillusioned by the Brexit vote that she's now considering uprooting Elizabeth and moving them both back to Germany. Hannah will be at university in Glasgow and Tony is going to study in the US, so the decision won't affect them so much. For Elizabeth, the decision is huge.
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