Episode 74
A selection of local TV reports including discovering a cave in the basement, a recruitment drive for on-call firefighters and battling one of the biggest killers of new mothers.
Veterans Honoured - Made in Liverpool
World War Two veterans in Liverpool have been awarded the Legion d'Honneur.
Duration: 01:26
Fighting Fires - That's Oxfordshire
Oxfordshire's fire brigade are hunting for more on-call firefighters.
Duration: 02:10
Researching cancer - Latest TV
Sussex University researchers are taking the fight to cancer.
Duration: 01:44
Careers Day - Made in Tyne & Wear
Manufacturers in the North East are seeking the next generation of talent.
Duration: 01:47
James Cook - That's Solent
Climbing aboard the RRS James Cook in Portsmouth.
Duration: 02:09
Fighting Sepsis - Mustard TV
Meeting a Norwich mum who battled one of the biggest killers of new mothers.
Duration: 01:57
Monkey Business - STV Edinburgh
A new taxidermy exhibition shows primates as they'd exist in the wild.
Duration: 00:59
Creative Kingdom
Who was the first British woman to be commemorated with a statue?
Duration: 00:55
Father and Son - Made in Cardiff
A family artistic duo is showing their work side by side at a Cardiff gallery.
Duration: 01:31
Subterranean Surprise - Notts TV
Nottingham students discover a previously unknown cave under their house.
Duration: 01:24
Football Freestyler - Made in Bristol
A Bristol freestyle footballer stunned fans at a Premier League match.
Duration: 02:12
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