Lynne and Queenie – Sea Life
Lynne and Queenie talk about their different fears of swimming in big seas.
Animators: Lamiaa Diab and Hend Esmat
Course: MA Animation - University of the West Of England in Bristol (UWE)
The animators say: The main idea is to reflect the mystery of the underwater world while Lynne and Queenie talk about
their different fears of swimming in big seas. Our inspiration in this choice is how relatable the thoughts and feelings described were and how
they can cross anyone’s mind in open water, so we were immediately drawn to this conversation.
Our aim is to accompany their thoughts with visuals that can immerse the audience in the experience of what it is like to be swimming both in the deep and at the top surface of the water, and not knowing what may be swimming around you. What we also found very interesting in this audio is that even though they both share the same fear, each one had a different perspective on what goes into their minds and how they deal with it. So we tried using that fact to add more layers to the whole experience and support the sense of mystery.
In order to convey that, we went for a rather minimal style, giving glimpses of what the sea world might hold and leaving space for the viewers’ imagination. We wanted to create a drifting pace and build momentum, revealing more and more of the sea while visualizing both of their perspectives.
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