Letters of Complaint – 20 Jul 17
All of Scott’s show, without the music!
So, after Chris decided to write a strongly worded letter of complaint to a take-away on yesterday’s show, Scott asked you if you could blind copy him in on your letters of complaint, and you didn’t disappoint! Listener Sean is on and he’s VERY unhappy with a hotel stay, although he’s really regretting his “slightly inebriated” letter of complaint right now. The Vamps give Chris an absolute soaking in Innuendo Bingo, and tell us all about their pop star problems… Loft conversion delays anyone? It’s 2 v 1 to Chris in Bangers, Scott needs to even it up else he’ll lose the week. Plus! Do you like Jazz Flute? You Do? Today’s your lucky day!
The Scott Mills Weekly
The best and sometimes questionable bits from Scott's weekday afternoon show on Radio 2.