Time Travellers Episodes Available now
Talking dogs and dog-headed men
Picture the weirdest creature you can imagine. Now times by ten.
There will now be a short intermission
We're taking a short break - but we'll be back soon.
Stand like a Tudor; smell like a Georgian
How to blend in with the locals - in any era.
Message in a bottle
Five tales of unusual communications sent by creative means.
The power of paint
Five colourful moments in history, told through the power of pigment
The magic of small things
Because little things can have a big impact.
Mavericks and pioneers
Oddballs, risk-takers, ground-breakers. Do not try this at home.
Beside the seaside
Tales of unusual happenings on the border between land and sea.
Bizarre audio inventions
Turn up the volume: this is the sound of innovation.
Creatures of science
No wee beasties were harmed in the making of this podcast.