Part 1 - Clip 2: Identifying the sounds
1. Whole group discussion: Kerry plays the group another audio sequence - this time of the Great Fire of 1666. Then she asks the group for their ideas about what the visit to the museum is going to be about and whether anyone can tell what event it was that they were listening to.
1. Ensure everyone listens carefully to the fire sequence. Then bring everyone rapidly into the group circle. This is one of many instances when Kerry asks the group for ideas and these activities will probably work best if you adopt the role of Kerry yourself during the discussion, or nominate someone else to do so.
The clue that the fire is happening long ago is basically that pails of water are being used to tackle it, rather than modern equipment.
More clips from 1. Welcome to Matrix!
Part 1 - Clip 1: Welcome!
Duration: 03:05
Part 1 - Clip 3: The Great Fire begins
Duration: 04:22
Part 1 - Clip 4: The bucket chain
Duration: 02:34
Part 1 - Clip 5: The ferryman
Duration: 02:04
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Grace Darling. 1: At Longstone Lighthouse
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The Great Fire of London. 2: Completing the challenge
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It's a lovely day...tomorrow. 3: Going home
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It's a lovely day...tomorrow. 2: Life in the country
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