The Rite of Spring | Phoenix Dance Theatre and Opera North
A scene from a new version of Stravinsky's ground-breaking The Rite of Spring, by Haitian choreographer Jeanguy Saintus.
A scene from a new version of Stravinsky's ground-breaking The Rite of Spring, by Haitian choreographer Jeanguy Saintus. The Rite of Spring is performed by Phoenix Dance Theatre with the Orchestra of Opera North. This new production opened in Leeds in February 2019 before touring, marking the first ever large-scale collaboration between the two Leeds-based companies.
Saintus’ choreography draws on concepts of initiation from Haitian folklore and the Haitian vodou tradition. The work is informed by different Loa (spirits); Ogou, a spirit that rules over fire, iron, war and blacksmiths, the Marasa, the divine twins and Damballa, the serpent spirit and creator of life. A focal point in The Rite of Spring is the central potomitan, a pillar or altar found in front of vodou temples.
A complete film of the production will be available to stream later in the year via operanorth.co.uk and phoenixdancetheatre.co.uk. Following the end of the tour with Opera North's orchestra in March, The Rite of Spring is currently being performed in venues throughout the country by Phoenix Dance Theatre, in a double-bill with Left Unseen. Tour dates can be found at phoenixdancetheatre.co.uk.
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