Matmos: The plastic mixtape
A tumbling, hallucinatory Late Junction mixtape from electronic duo Matmos, inspired by the impact of plastic on our world.
Matmos are Baltimore-based, electronic duo Drew Daniel and M.C. Schmidt. Their new album Plastic Anniversary has been created entirely from sampled sounds of all kinds of plastic objects, from the bizarre to the mundane - police riot shields and synthetic human fat, Bakelite and bubble wrap.
The album is a meditation on the pervasiveness of plastics and an acknowledgement of the planetary price yet to be paid for that. The title also refers to the fact that Drew and M.C. celebrated their 25th anniversary as a couple during the making of the album.
Elaborating on the theme of plastics, their approach to this mixtape was to recycle experiments and elements from their past as a band, including some of their plastic samples, invented sounds and unreleased collaborations.
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Stranger Sounds
Binaural river journeys, unlikely interests, music with plastics, surreal comedy & more
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