Migraines: More Than A Headache
Just how bad can a migraine get and how close are we to a cure? Newsbeat reporter Shiona McCallum meets some of the thousands of sufferers and the scientists trying to help them.
Just how bad can a migraine get and how close are we to a cure? Newsbeat reporter Shiona McCallum meets some of the thousands of sufferers and the scientists trying to help them.
With one in seven people in the UK experiencing them we find out just how much they can affect your life. Some people have temporary blindness or pain so bad it makes them vomit. Eimer got them so often she had to quit her job and work from home. She finds swimming helps but Nathan and YouTuber Alice find nothing really takes away the pain.
Shiona meets them and the scientists at a specialist pain centre who are experimenting with magnetic stimulation and a new drug that's being considered for release in England.