Classic Stories Stories for Summer Episodes Available now

A Country Cottage by Anton Chekhov
Chekhov's story of a newlywed couple whose harmony is broken by an arrival off the train.

The Flower Gatherer by Edward Thomas
Edward Thomas’s story of a child exalting in the joy of summer, with a sting in its tail.

The New Dress by Virginia Woolf
Virginia Woolf’s sharply observed tale of a young woman’s fashion faux pas.

One Crowded Hour by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s tale of a highwayman taking to the Sussex roads.

Second Best by DH Lawrence
DH Lawrence’s powerful story about growing up and coming to terms with life’s realities.

The Garden Party by Katherine Mansfield
Katherine Mansfield’s acclaimed story of a family are preparing for a lavish celebration.

Rats by MR James
MR James’ spine-tingling story about a young writer sojourn in a remote Suffolk inn.

Three Questions by Leo Tolstoy
Tolstoy’s timeless parable of a king seeking answers to life’s most important questions.

Wailing Well by MR James
MR James’ story of summer scout trip takes a sinister turn when Stanley breaks the rules.

The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky by Stephen Crane
Stephen Crane’s humorous story of a newlywed woman arriving in a raucous Texan town.