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Recycle Bitch
Comedy song from Zara Gladman about recycling - and her anger directed towards those who choose not to bother...
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Environmental Issues—The Social
Videos tackling environmental issues like single-use plastics and climate change!
Zara Gladman—The Social
Science! Comedy songs! Holiday tips...and more!
Comedy—The Social
Fresh and exciting new comedy talent from Scotland.
More clips from Climate Change and You
Disability and Climate Change
Duration: 03:30
Cleaning Up Scotland's Waters With The Rubbish Paddlers
Duration: 03:01
Food Miles and Why They Matter
Duration: 02:56
More clips from The Social
Scotland's Secret Superwomen
Duration: 02:11
Best Book Nooks In Aberdeen
Duration: 01:37
First Day In Scotland Vs One Year In Scotland
Duration: 01:35
Fashion Survival Guide For Scottish Weather
Duration: 01:43