Àireamhachd & Matamataig
A compilation of fun Bitesize Numeracy and Maths animations in Gaelic. Made for learners age 6-8.
Anns a’ bhùth, tha Snoot a' ceannach dà nì annasach is ag iomadachadh gus a' chosgais obrachadh a-mach.
Staigh an taigh, tha Fin agus Snoot a’ cur-ris cuid de na greimeannan as fheà rr leotha: boiteagan fà nais agus daolagan reultach.
Nuair a nochdas Plimble, feuchaidh an triùir diofar dhòighean air na ròbotan aca a roinn eatarra.
Snoot is shopping for blobs and eyeballs. He uses multiplication to find their total cost.
At home, Fin and Snoot count some of their favourite snacks: space grubs and astro bugs.
When Plimble comes to play, the trio try different ways to divide their destructor bots equally between them.
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Ionnsaich le ´óÏó´«Ã½ ALBA
Cruinneachadh de phrògraman foghlaim.