Slà inte agus Sunnd
Beò-dhealbhaidhean mu bhiadh agus slà inte do sgoilearan aois 6-11.
A compilation of Gaelic animations about food and health for learners aged 6-11.
Faigh a-mach mu bhiadh agus slà inte le beò-dhealbhaidhean mu na buidhnean bìdh, biadh mar chonnadh, roghainnean agus feuman bìdh, biadh aig diofar ìrean de ar beatha agus uisge san daithead againn.
Ionnsaich mu dheidhinn mìltean bìdh agus mar a tha cuid de bhiadh air a dheasachadh le filmichean a tha a’ coimhead ris an turas eadar tuathanas agus truinnsear, ri giullachd bìdh, biadh rà itheil, caitheamh bìdh agus biadh seasmhach.
Learn about food and health with these Gaelic animations looking at the food groups, food as fuel, food choices and needs, food at different life stages and water in our diet.
Develop an understanding of food miles and how some foods are made with animations on the journey from farm to plate, food processing, seasonal food, food waste and sustainable food.
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Cruinneachadh de phrògraman foghlaim.