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Mozart Quintet for Piano and Wind K.452

Pianist Iain Burnside chooses his favourite recording of Mozart's Quintet for Piano and Wind K.452. Presented by Andrew McGregor.

Iain Burnside chooses his favourite recording of Mozart's Quintet for Piano and Wind K.452.
Mozart wrote his famous Quintet in E flat major for Piano and Winds in 1784 and it was premiered at the Imperial and Royal National Court Theater in Vienna. Shortly afterwards, Mozart wrote to his father: "I myself consider it to be the best thing I have written in my life." It is scored for piano, oboe, clarinet, horn and bassoon. And most people seem to agree with the composer that it is indeed one of his best pieces - with its amazing wind-writing and life-enhancing energy. Presented by Andrew McGregor.

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46 minutes

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