Episode 19
Former Scotland international and Motherwell player-coach Leanne Crichton is Iona Ballantyne’s final guest of the year. Bidh Leanne Crichton cuide ri Iona Ballantyne san stiùidio,
Former Scotland international and Motherwell player-coach Leanne Crichton is Iona Ballantyne’s final guest of the year in the 360 studio. They hear from Leanne’s teammate, midfielder Katie Rice, who is back at Motherwell after a spell with Hibernian. Amy Bulloch is also featured, telling 360 about falling back in love with football since signing for newly promoted Partick Thistle.
Sa phrògram mu dheireadh de 360 dhen a' bhliadhna, tha seann chluicheadair na h-Alba agus cluicheadair Thobar na Mà thar Leanne Crichton an cuide ri Iona Ballantyne. Cluinnidh iad bho co-chluicheadair Leanne, Katie Rice, ‘s i air ais còmhla ri Tobar na Mà thar às dèidh greis aig Hibernian. Cuideachd, tha Amy Bulloch ag innse do 360 gu bheil ball-coise a’ còrdadh rithe a-nis às dèidh dhith gluasad gu Partick Thistle.
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Women's Sport 360 - S2 - Ep19
Duration: 34:37