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High Drama Sharma?

Alok Sharma needs to turn up the drama to get COP where it needs to be, says Ed Miliband

Alok Sharma needs to turn up the drama to get COP where it needs to be, says Ed Miliband. Instead of ‘No Drama Sharma’, the former Labour leader thinks the president of COP26 should go for ‘High Drama Sharma’.
Political sleaze is also on the agenda as Laura K noses around Westminster to check which MPs are in the office.

And Adam shares some (unscientific) analysis about whether Newscasters are more likely to listen when they are walking the dog or brushing their teeth.

Today’s Newscast was made by Alix Pickles, Georgia Coan, Danny Wittenberg and Ros Jones. The assistant editor is Alison Gee. The editor is Jonathan Aspinwall.

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