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Liam Williams - The Green Woman (Part 2)

To many people the noughties was the golden age of pubs, and this week's guest is someone who still longs for that age. It's comedian Liam Williams! *Part 2*

"*This is part 2 of Liam Williams’s episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part 1 first or things might be slightly confusing*

To many people the noughties was the golden age of pubs; pints for £2, The Pigeon Detectives and Babyshambles blasting out the jukebox, everyone dressed in the skinny jean / blazer combo… what’s not to love?! And even though The Moon Under Water has existed for centuries it’s able to morph itself into a pub from any given period in time. This week’s guest is someone that lived and breathed noughties pubs, and don’t be surprised if he creates a pub reminiscent of the ‘Topman’ era. It’s comedian and writer Liam Williams!

Liam is the creator of the award winning sitcom ‘Ladhood’, which follows his life growing up in the Yorkshire town of Garforth. It details his first encounters with pubs, alcohol and everything that comes with early drinking experiences. He’s also lover of pubs no matter their shape or size, and we are so excited to hear what sort of establishment he is going to create (with or without skinny ties included)."

Release date:

29 days left to listen

28 minutes