Not Emo, But Emo
Hayley talks about why the early noughties were a great time for alternative music, plus she picks her favourite songs from the bands that were on the fringes of emo.
We are not currently accepting email or WhatsApp contributions for this show and inboxes are not being monitored. Hayley talks about why the early noughties were a great time for alternative music, she picks her favourite songs from the bands that were on the fringes of emo and she puts The Wish by The Cure on shuffle.
Music Played
Liberation Frequency
Bright Eyes
Lover I Don't Have to Love
The Cure
The Strokes
The Adults Are Talking
The Linda Lindas
The Cure
The Killers
Smile Like You Mean It
Waiting Room
The Cure
Friday I'm In Love
The Hotelier
Your Deep Rest
American Football & Hayley Williams
Uncomfortably Numb