Episode 2
Iona Ballantyne welcomes SFA development officer Sam Milne back to the 360 studio. Sam talks about the opportunities for women in football in Scotland through various development programmes.
Iona Ballantyne welcomes SFA development officer Sam Milne back to the 360 studio. Sam talks about the opportunities for women in football in Scotland through various development programmes and 360 hears from Giffnock SC women’s walking football team and Switzerland-based Scottish golfer Cameron Neilson, who recently won the Scottish Women’s Amateur Championship.
Tha Iona Ballantyne a’ cur fà ilte ri Oifigear Leasachaidh Comann Ball-Coise na h-Alba, Sam Milne dhan stiùidio an t-seachdain ‘sa. Tha Sam ag innse mu na cothroman ann an ball-coise nam ban an Alba tro diofar phrògraman leasachaidh agus cluinnidh 360 bho sgioba boireannaich ball-coiseachd Giofnag agus bhon ghoilfear Albannach, Cameron Neilson a tha a’ fuireach anns an Eilbheis an-drà sta, ach a bhuannaich Cupa Amaitearachd nam Ban bho chionn ghoirid.
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