Short History Of... Episodes Episode guide
The Battle of the Somme
The Battle of the Somme was supposed to be the offensive to win WW1. What's the story?
The Battle of Stalingrad
The Battle of Stalingrad is one of the bloodiest battles in the history of warfare.
The Aztecs
The Aztecs arrived into central Mexico in the 1300s. What is their real story?
The Australian Gold Rush
In 1851, gold was discovered in Australia. How did the gold rush shape the country?
The Ancient Olympics
How did the Olympic Games begin? And why did the Games die out for over a thousand years?
The Abolition of the British Slave Trade
Throughout 18th Century Britain, calls for the end of the slave trade grew louder
What is Stonehenge? An ancient clock or computer? And who lived and died to create it?
St Patrick
St Patrick is honoured by millions worldwide every year, what is his real story?
Sitting Bull
Sitting Bull was the greatest chief the Lakota people had ever known
Rosa Parks
A defiant act catapults Rosa Parks to the forefront of the battle for racial equality.
Queen Victoria
One of the most iconic and beloved monarchs, but who was the real Queen Victoria?
The Pyramids have become a symbol of Egypt, but what mysteries might still remain inside?
The age of prohibition was rowdy. Why was it needed, and who were its heroes & villains?
Princess Diana
Princess Diana. How should we remember the ‘People’s Princess’ today?
Pompeii and the Vesuvius Eruption
In 79 AD, one of history’s most infamous natural disasters unfolds in Pompeii.
Polynesian Exploration
The Polynesian exploration has been compared to missions into space. What's the story?
Lost for 1,000 years, and rediscovered by a Swiss explorer... the ancient city of Petra
Pablo Picasso
Pablo Picasso was one of the most celebrated and radical artists of the 20th century.
Nelson Mandela
What drove Nelson Mandela to become an activist against South Africa’s apartheid regime?
Muhammad Ali
Muhammad Ali - the greatest boxer of all time?
Mount Rushmore
Designed to be a shrine of democracy, what is the real Mount Rushmore story?
Michelangelo, one of the greatest artists of his time. What's his story?
Mary Queen of Scots
Was Mary Stuart an ambitious plotter who would stop at nothing to realise her dreams?
Martin Luther King Junior
A pivotal figure in the Civil Rights Movement. What's Martin Luther King's legacy?
Marilyn Monroe
Why does Marilyn Monroe still inspire and exert such power, 60 years after her death?
Marie Curie
Marie Curie was an extraordinary woman who turned the scientific world on its head
Margaret Thatcher
Margaret Thatcher, one of the 20th Century's most controversial leaders.
Mahatma Gandhi
How did a shy schoolboy turn into one of the greatest leaders of the 20th century?
Magna Carta
Magna Carta - the most enduring document from the Middle Ages. What does it mean?
Machu Picchu and the Inca Trail
Who were the Incas and why did they build a stone citadel on a mountain ridge?