B1 Episode 19: Fasan | Fashion
Podcast do luchd-ionnsachaidh na Gà idhlig ceangailte ris an t-sreath SpeakGaelic air ´óÏó´«Ã½ ALBA. Weekly podcast for Gaelic learners, accompanying the ´óÏó´«Ã½ ALBA series, SpeakGaelic.
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gà idhlig? Ma tha, is ann dhuibhse a tha am podcast seo! Tha sreath B1 de phodcast SpeakGaelic ag amas air daoine a tha air adhartas a dhèanamh anns a’ chà nan agus tha e air a thoirt thugainn leis a’ chraoladair agus sgrìobhaiche Iain Urchardan.
Le Iain gur treòireachadh, ionnsachaidh sibh faclan agus abairtean ùra co-cheangailte ri diofar chuspairean agus beagan mu ghrà mair cuideachd. Cuideachd anns gach podcast, gheibh sibh blasad de chultar agus dualchas nan Gà idheal agus bidh aoigh sònraichte a’ seanchas ri Iain.
Gabhaidh na podcastan seo a chleachdadh nan aonar air neo an cois na sreath telebhisean SpeakGaelic air ´óÏó´«Ã½ ALBA agus tha goireasan ionnsachaidh ceangailte riutha rim faotainn air www.speakgaelic.scot.
Have you been learning Gaelic for a year or longer? If so, this podcast is for you. Presented by popular broadcaster and writer John Urquhart, series B1 of the SpeakGaelic podcast is aimed at intermediate learners.
John will share vocabulary and phrases that you can use in all types of situation as well as helping you to get to grips with some of the rules of the language. You’ll get the chance to learn more about Gaelic’s rich culture, past and present, and to join John as he chats to a diverse range of guests about their own journey to fluency.
These podcasts are designed to complement the other SpeakGaelic resources, including the television series on ´óÏó´«Ã½ ALBA. Additional learning materials can be found on www.speakgaelic.scot.
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Podcast for Gaelic learners presented by John Urquhart. This series is aimed at beginners.