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Baile 脕tha Troim

Friends from Trim have a lot of fun fishing on the River Boyne and playing water polo.

Iascaireacht ar abhainn na B贸inne agus neart spraoi ag imirt p贸l贸 uisce ag an ghr煤pa cairde as Baile 脕tha Troim. Tugann an gr煤pa seo faoi roinnt ceachtanna tarrth谩la sa linn sn谩mha sula dtugann siad faoi chluiche p贸l贸 uisce inti. B铆onn bruscar agus truailli煤 ag cur na milli煤in neach beo i mbaol sna huisc铆 thart orainn. Dar leis na p谩ist铆 seo, thig linn uilig rud 茅igin a dh茅anamh leis an fhadhb seo a r茅iteach agus d茅anann siadsan a gcuid f茅in ag baili煤 bruscair faoi bhruach na habhann. Fosta, faigheann siad ceacht iascaireachta cois abhann, ag ceann de na pr铆omh-shu铆omhanna slat iascaireachta agus flaidireachta in 脡irinn.

Friends from Trim have a lot of fun fishing on the River Boyne and playing water polo.They get a few lessons in water safety techniques before they play water polo in the pool. Pollution and rubbish around our waterways contribute to the dangers for water species on our planet so the Trim crew head out to make sure they do their bit to protect the environment in their area. After that they have a lot of fun in a fly-fishing lesson on one of the best angling rivers in Ireland.

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11 minutes