Richard Archer (Part Two)
Joining us at The Moon Under Water this week is the one and only Richard Archer of Hard-Fi. *Part Two*
*This is part two of Richard Archer's episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part one first or things might be slightly confusing*
It's 2005. You've just finished your shift at Woolworths, and you're off for a couple of VK's with your pals. You've donned your best skinny jeans and blazer combo, and the vigour of youth is running through your veins. And as you step into your first venue of choice, what band is blaring out of the speaker, perfectly capturing the mood of a generation? That's right, arguably the most underrated band of all time; Hard-Fi! If only their lead singer was to walk into the pub now, that would make the night even better... and wait, here he comes now. Yes, joining us at The Moon Under Water this week is the one and only Richard Archer of Hard-Fi.
Having been in the band since it started Richard has been lucky enough to travel the world, seeing some of the greatest pubs to ever exist. He's also going to be seeing some of the UK's best pubs very soon too, as Hard-Fi are about to embark on a UK tour! It's going to be an absolute smash, and you'd be a fool to miss it.
But away from all this rock and roll malarkey, what does Richard think of pubs? Well, thankfully Robbie and Dan are on hand to ask the hard hitting questions on all things pint, and we can't wait for him to join us.
Do you have a message you want to send to the landlord? If so, send it to