How Do You Fix the UK's Housing Crisis?
Michael Gove tells Laura a no-fault eviction ban is on the way.
The Conservatives first promised to end the right of landlords to evict tenants without a reason in 2019.
Now, five years later, the Housing Secretary reveals on Sunday with Laura Kuenssberg that it鈥檒l become law in time for this year鈥檚 election.
Paddy has been speaking to Post Office campaigner Alan Bates after it was revealed that Fujitsu UK paid its top executives more than 拢26m in the 25 years since the controversial Horizon contract with the Post Office started.
And, we hear from Ralph Fiennes who spoke to Laura about why he isn鈥檛 a fan of trigger warnings in the theatre.
Today's Newscast was presented by Laura Kuenssberg and Paddy O鈥機onnell. It was made by George Dabby with Josh Jenkins. The technical producer was Ricardo McCarthy. The senior news editor is Jonathan Aspinwall.
Timings (where shown) are from the start of the programme in hours and minutes
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