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Aspirations at the Academy - Peti

Peti is a student at the Deaf Academy. He wants to work with animals. He explains why.

So my name is P.eti – PETI. You know, I like socialising. I like going out in the deaf community. I like kind of chatting with lots of people. And I go to the Exmouth Academy, which I'm really enjoying so I'm doing kind of, you know, English, Maths there. So it's really, really, really you know, really nice there. And I get a lot of staff support as well, so if there's anything I'm not sure of, the staff around. That includes the odd cup of tea as well. But I really enjoy being there because of the communication. It makes life so much easier and if there are any issues we let the staff know and they kind of come and give us a hand. So it's really good there.
How do you see your future?
So I'd like to go to Bicton College.
Why Bicton and what would you like to study there?
I'd like to do animal care. I just would love to do that. Kind of working with all different animals, dogs, cats, every kind of animal there is that would be really good. Snakes, pigs, all different animals.
Why? What's the fascination for you?
I just love animals, absolutely love them. Particularly owls, I love owls. I've got a real thing for owls. and goats. there's just so many isn't there?
And then what will that lead you on to in terms of work do you think?
I don't know at the minute, I really don't know. Maybe work on a farm. Or maybe just carry on, you know, maybe do some further studying after that.
What do you think your dream animal job would be?
If I could work with goats, I'd love that. Or owls. either. Either goats or owls.
Could we mix a goat with an owl? What would we get? A gowl!
Yeah, so I'm just thinking of a goat with big eyes and wings so it can fly.

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