The dogs of Palermo
In Palermo, neighbourhood dogs roam freely and are embraced by locals. Protected by law, they have an autonomy and freedom that is rare. Today, their numbers are dwindling.
In Palermo, and across southern Italy, there are two main types of stray dog. There are the semi-wild packs that live on the edge of human settlements, and then there are the cani di quartiere (dogs of the neighbourhood). These dogs are known by everyone and owned by no one. They sprawl out for naps in the middle of the pavement, frequent the same butchers for their scraps, play with the neighbourhood kids, and have friends - canine and human - all over the territory. Unlike strays in other parts of Europe, they are not rounded up and treated as a nuisance. They are protected by law, which guarantees their freedom as long as they are not a danger to people, animals, or property. British writer and producer Georgia Walker has been fascinated by the lives of these animals, and what they mean to the city.
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