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An Nowodhow - the News in Cornish

An Nowodhow is written and read by Kensa Broadhurst and the editor is Wella Morris.


Kessedhek towlennans Konsel Kernow a assentyas dhe alowa an komodyta, war dir ryb an fordh A deg warn ugens yn Hal Loygans, orth entrans Heyl.
Hemm a dheu wosa an konsel dhe naga ombrofyans bargen-tir howlek moy brassa tri mildir dhe-ves yn Gwynnyer.
Towlen rag an bargen-tir yw rag an tredan nowedhadow dinythys dhe brovia y鈥檔 kynsa le an Park Dy鈥橤ol Baya Porthia yn ogas owth usya korsen yn-dann dhor.
Kepar hag achesonyow rag skonya dhyworth Konsel Tre Heyl yn-kever livans, Konsel Pluw Lannudhno o erbynn an profyans ynwedh.
Yma鈥檔 tyller desedhys ryb tyller a les godhoniethek arbennik (SSSI) hag yw war fennva.
Niver a drigoryon a sevys bernyow ynwedh yn-kever livans ha koll a dir gans pals a wodhvewnans.


A Cornwall Council planning committee agreed to allow the facility, on land next to the A30 at Loggans Moor, at the entrance to Hayle.
This comes after the council had refused a much larger solar farm application 3 miles away in Gwinear.
The plan for the farm is for the renewable electricity generated to primarily supply the nearby St Ives Bay Holiday Park using an underground cable.
As well as objections from Hayle Town Council regarding flooding, St Erth Parish Council was also against the proposal.
The site is located next to a site of special scientific interest (SSSI) and is on a flood plain.
A number of residents also raised concerns about flooding and the loss of land abundant with wildlife.


Hemm a dheu wosa nowodhow na wra ygeri namoy seyth dydh pub seythen naw a鈥檔 peswardhek Kresennow Eylgylghya Atal Mayni (HWRCs) Kernow, herwydh skrifow bojet dyllys mis Du.
Mar pydh komendys gans konsel leun diwettha a鈥檔 mis ma, HWRCs yn Bosvena, Porthbud, Ponskonon, Hellys, Tewynblustri, Resrudh, Sen Day, Trevena ha Truru a welsa aga euryow ygeri lehes dhyworth seyth dydh pub seythen dhe bymp dydh.
Kresennow orth Lannsteven, Essa, Sen Austel, Aberfala ha Lannudhno a wra 鈥測n kynsa le鈥 gortos ygor seyth dydh pub seythen mes a vydh 鈥渟ynsys dhe vodelyans moy hag avis a dheu.鈥
An nowodhow a dheu wosa bos kevreyth ragerghi dallethys orth niver a鈥檔 kresennow.


This comes after news that nine of Cornwall's 14 Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRCs) are likely to no longer open seven days a week, according to budget documents released in November.
If the cuts are approved by full council later this month, HWRCs in Bodmin, Bude, Connon Bridge, Helston, Newquay, Redruth, St Day, Tintagel and Truro would all see their opening hours reduced from seven days a week to five days.
Centres at Launceston, Saltash, St Austell, Falmouth and St Erth will "initially" remain open seven days a week but will be "subject to further modelling and future consideration".
The news comes after a booking system was introduced at a number of the centres.


Konsel Kernow re gomendyas displegyans both sport orth Park Bosskawen ledyas gans Konsel an Cita Truru hag arghansys gans Bargen an Dre Truru.
An voth a brovisa komodytys sport a-bervedh rag badminton, tennis moos ha pel ganstel, keffrys ha spasow hebleth rag hwarvosow kemeneth ha chambouryow-gwiska.
An towlow a linen gwellheans an parkow sport yn-mes a-lemmyn rag aga gasa bos usyes rag termyn hirra dres an vledhen hag ystynnans an park p茅tanque.
Meres Truru, Carol Swain hy hanow, a leveris: 鈥淎n ragdres gorwiw ma a wra provia komodytys sportys ha termyn syger nowydh ha gwellhes rag trigoryon leel ha vysytoryon yn kehaval, ha govenek a鈥檓 beus gweles Both Sport Bosskawen owth ygeri hy darasow dhe鈥檔 gemeneth leel yn dew vil hwegh warn ugens.鈥
Henn yw oll ahanav vy, seythen da genowgh.


Cornwall Council has approved the development of a sports hub at Boscawen Park led by Truro City Council and funded by Truro Town Deal.
The hub would provide indoor sports facilities for badminton, table tennis and basketball, along with flexible spaces for community events and changing rooms.
The plans also outline the improvement of the existing outdoor sports pitches to allow them to be used for longer during the year and the extension of the p茅tanque pitch.
Truro mayor Carol Swain said: "This fantastic project will provide new and improved sports and leisure facilities for local residents and visitors alike, and I am looking forward to seeing Boscawen Sports Hub opening its doors to the local community in 2026."
That鈥檚 all from me, have a good week.

Presenter James Churchfield: Thank you 鈥 this week鈥檚 An Nowodhow was written and read by Kensa Broadhurst and the editor was Wella Morris.

Pic: Mawgan Porth by Debbie W.

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4 minutes

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