Blackburn's knockout punch on 96 minutes
Rob Butler and Chris Reeve relfect on City conceding late at Ewood Park.
Rob Butler and Chris Reeve relfect on City conceding late at Ewood Park.
01:45 - Dom Hyam's punch.
02:25 - Talking point: most painful late goal?
06:45 - Leigh Woodrow - Canaries Down Under.
08:30 - Blackburn reflection
14:40 - JHT interview post Blackburn
20:00 - YOUR most painful late goals.
25:30 - Cordoba post Blackburn
30:00 - Is Cordoba undroppable? NCFC defensive dilemma
32:20 - Oxford fan preview - George Elek from Not The Top Twenty podcast.
41:00 - Oxford United preview
43:00 - Norfolk Holdings officially majority shareholders.
46:30 - Ben Knapper interview.
52:45 - Highbury brawl 1989.
55:00 - Wibbles
The Scrimmage: A Norwich City Podcast
Following The Canaries through the eyes of the fans.