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Tamwar Masood

Super-geek Tamwar looked like he was bound for the ivory towers of academia, but luckily he decided to stay in Walford to lend his blend of sardonic put-downs and dry wit to every occasion...

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First appearance:
1st October 2007
41 Albert Square
Acting Market Inspector

His failure to get into Oxbridge was a massive blow to overbearing mum Zainab, who was using her son's academic achievements as a stick to beat arch-rival Denise Johnson. However, he earned her forgiveness by rescuing the family (temporarily) from financial ruin and became the proud owner of the Argee Bhajee... until brother Syed ran it into the ground and the bailiffs were called! And after a failed marriage, deadly fire and a killer romance with Alice, Tamwar's well on his way to deserving some good luck!