Played by Abbie Hern
Brewery worker Tish is played by Abbie Hern who has starred in anthology series The Twilight Zone and in addition to The Pact, will be appearing in the final season of Peaky Blinders.
Tell us about The Pact.
The Pact is about a group of women who are all very different, in very different places in their lives. But they are put in a very similar situation, and they have to figure out how they deal with it. Everything is put into question; their family, their friendships, their morals and how each person deals with the situation that arises.
Who is Tish?
Tish is a brewery worker at Evans Brewery. She’s relatively new compared to the other girls so I think she’s still trying to find her way in the workplace and in life.
What is Tish’s relationship like with the girls?
I think she really admires the group’s friendship. Within the brewery, Tish is fairly new compared to the other girls. The others feel like the most connected at the brewery and she really loves that. I think she’s attracted to that and probably wants to be part of it, but there’s something between her relationship with Cat that she doesn’t quite understand; that stands in the way of her becoming closer with the girls.
What attracted you to The Pact?
I think for me, one of the main reasons that I was so excited to be involved in The Pact was that I never really see myself on Welsh TV. So being here and being a mixed-race actress in a TV programme from Wales and being alongside other black and mixed-race Welsh actresses was just something I only dreamed of.
What is it like shooting in Wales?
Shooting in Wales is incredible. I think I definitely took for granted how beautiful this country is.