The Reverend
Maritime chaplain Reverend Roger Stone looks after seafarers’ welfare at the port.
Reverend Roger Stone
Maritime chaplain Reverend Roger Stone looks after seafarers’ welfare whilst they are visiting Southampton’s port.
Sometimes we're the only friendly face that goes onto a ship because other people want things. I don't want anything when I go on board except to offer a hand of friendship and a warm smile to people who visit our shores."Reverend Stone
He works for a charity called Apostleship of the Sea which supports and helps the well-being of seafarers who visit Britain’s shores.
Dozens of ships arrive in the port of Southampton every week and each brings a small crew who are often far from home.
We meet Reverend Stone on board the Bodil Knutsen at the Fawley oil refinery, on the outskirts of Southampton.
His charity also provides a bus service into town and a base where seafarers can let off steam and relax away from their ships.
One of his roles is sharing information about facilities on shore and making sure crews feel welcome to Southampton.
The reverend also gives out Bibles and prayer books free of charge , if crew members would like to take them away.
One of the big issues he deals with is crew who feel homesick and have been away from their homes for many weeks.
It's a job that he loves doing.
"Every day I walk up the gang way and never know what's going to happen," he reflects.
"It's great to meet people from so many different countries.
"I don't know what drives me to do this. I just know that I love it."
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