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Calum Munro

Born on the Isle of Skye, Calum is a chef that focusses on foraging and championing produce from the land around him.

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Calum started cooking with an events company in Glasgow, then went back to Skye to work at Kinlock Lodge (1*) under Mercello Tuille, becoming sous chef. He then went to work in Whistler, Canada with the winter Olympics, catering for different events as a private chef. From there Calum went to Paris, where he worked in Guy Savoy’s restaurant Les Bouquinistes, and then head chef of a little restaurant on île Saint-Louis.

Calum’s mum owned a tearoom on the Isle of Skye, which he used to do pop ups in - until he found the perfect place to set up his restaurant 10 years ago.

With a passion for local producers and the wild world of food, his menu highlights his love of ingredients native to the Isle of Sky.

Continuing his love of his home, he celebrates as many Great Britons hailing from Skye as he can.