Simon Patterson
Meet Simon Patterson
What is Simon Patterson?
A DJ & producer from Belfast. Playing upfront psy, breaks, trance and techno.
What is Simon Patterson not?
What is the most played tune on your mp3 player right now?
Coldplay Yellow - Live 2003
What is your guilty secret (record)?
I love anything from Sigur Ros so it's not really anything to be guilty about but outside of dance, rock and indie are my influences.
What was the first record you bought?
Red Light District - Did you hear me
What is the soundtrack inside your head right now?
My first radio 1 show. Been on it all day!
What is the biggest gig you have played?
Wow, I think maybe Love Parade but in terms of venue, I think recently ASOT 600 in Den Bosch. Incredible venue.
What is the smallest gig you have played?
When I first started djing in Windsor. Probably to about 2 people!
Who would you most like to DJ head to head with?
Do you have any DJing superstitions?
Not really, I tend to prepare hard for every set. Gone are the days turning up risking new tunes that I don't really know. Sometimes you have no choice to do that but it's important in the short set you have to utilise the time to make sure everything goes off!
Who would play you in the movie of your life?
Colin Farrell
What has been the greatest moment in your life so far?
Getting a chance to be on Radio 1. Honestly, I've dreamed of this since I was like 16!