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Katie Bray

Mezzo from England - 32 years old

I was born in Devon and studied at the University of Manchester and the Royal Academy of Music, from where I graduated in 2012 as a Karaviotis Scholar, receiving the Principal’s Prize and First Prize in the Richard Lewis Singing Competition.

Between 2013 and 2017, performances at Opera North included Hansel (Hansel and Gretel), Rosina (Il barbiere di Siviglia), Louis XV Chair/Female Cat/Owl (L’enfant et les sortilèges), Lola (Cavalleria rusticana) and Nancy (Albert Herring).

I have also sung Daughter (Akhnaten) at English National Opera; Lucilla (La scala di seta) at Scottish Opera; Zerlina (Don Giovanni) at Welsh National Opera; Zulma (L’Italiana in Algeri) and Zaida (Il Turco in Italia) for Garsington Opera; Mallika (Lakmé) for Opera Holland Park; Minerva (l ritorno d’Ulisse in patria) and Satirino (La Calisto) for English Touring Opera; and Charlotte (Werther) at the Grimeborn Festival.

On the concert platform, I collaborate regularly with William Vann and Sholto Kynoch. I enjoy the baroque repertoire and have sung solos with Barokksolistene, the Monteverdi Choir, La Nuova Musica, Ludus Baroque and Spira mirabilis.

Outside my musical life, I love going for long walks, cooking up a storm, and drinking big glasses of red with my favourite people.

Katie Bray

Mezzo, 32 oed, Lloegr

Cefais fy ngeni yn Nyfnaint ac astudiais ym Mhrifysgol Manceinion ac yn yr Academi Gerdd Frenhinol. Graddiais oddi yno yn 2012 fel Ysgolor Karaviotis, gan dderbyn Gwobr y Pennaeth a’r Wobr Gyntaf yng Nghystadleuaeth Ganu Richard Lewis.

Rhwng 2013 a 2017, roedd fy mherfformiadau gydag Opera North yn cynnwys Hansel (Hansel and Gretel), Rosina (Il barbiere di Siviglia), Cadair Louis XV/Cath Fenyw/Tylluan (L’enfant et les sortilèges), Lola (Cavalleria rusticana) a Nancy (Albert Herring).

Rydw i hefyd wedi canu rhan y Ferch (Akhnaten) gydag Opera Cenedlaethol Lloegr; Lucilla (La scala di seta) gydag Opera’r Alban; Zerlina (Don Giovanni) gydag Opera Cenedlaethol Cymru; Zulma (L’Italiana in Algeri) a Zaida (Il Turco in Italia) ar gyfer Opera Garsington; Mallika (Lakmé) ar gyfer Opera Holland Park; Minerva (l ritorno d’Ulisse in patria) a Satirino (La Calisto) ar gyfer Opera Teithiol Lloegr; a Charlotte (Werther) yng Ng诺yl Grimeborn.

Mewn cyngherddau, byddaf yn cyd-weithio’n gyson gyda William Vann a Sholto Kynoch. Rydw i’n mwynhau’r repertoire baróc ac wedi canu unawdau gyda Barokksolistene, Côr Monteverdi, La Nuova Musica, Ludus Baroque a Spira mirabilis.

Pan nad ydw i’n canu, does dim byd tebyg i fynd am dro hir, ac rydw i wrth fy modd yn coginio ac yn yfed gwydrau mawr o win coch gyda fy hoff bobl.

Katie Bray (Mezzo) from England ROUND 3 2019

"Where shall I fly" from Hercules by Handel


Main Prize Concert
Non so pi霉 cosa son Le nozze di Figaro Mozart
What would Missus Herring say? Albert Herring Britten
Where shall I fly? Hercules Handel
Barbarasong The Threepenny Opera Weill
Song Prize Recital 1
Ich hab鈥檌n Penna einen Liebsten wohnen Italienisches Liederbuch Wolf
La chevelure Trois chansons de Bilitis Debussy
Song of the dry orange tree Cut my shadow Jonathan Dove
惭盲诲肠丑别苍飞眉苍蝉肠丑别 Op 9 HVIII No 4 Loewe
Funeral Blues Cabaret Songs Britten