On the hairy face of it, Matthew is the most sensible of the trio. He鈥檚 been to university, studied leisure and tourism, and wears glasses.
Fact title | Fact data |
Typical Badult Behaviour |
Singing show tunes and producing puns
As well as those glasses he often wears a shirt and tie to his job, which isn鈥檛 exactly a job, he鈥檚 just temping at Carabine Promotions, a media umbrella company that umbrellas media things. Matthew's sister Rachel got him this internship because she鈥檚 the office manager there and Matthew dutifully accepted because he is very dutiful.
Matthew is actually the most easily influenced, and is truthfully only playing at being a grown up. Matthew is eager to please everyone, longs to meet a special someone and wants nothing more than to be everything to everybody and not the nobody that nearly everybody assumes that he might be.
Played by Matthew Crosby.

Matthew's internet girlfriend
Matthew's got an internet girlfriend and he isn't being entirely truthful with her.