Tom skipped higher education and instead travelled round the world, or at least crossed the channel.
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Typical Badult Behaviour |
Grabbing life by the balls and squeezing too hard
Frankly, Tom was under-parented with a mum and dad who didn鈥檛 show much interest in his life and as he took the ferry to France, his mum left the UK to become a year round cruise ship singer.
Tom鈥檚 gainfully employed. He took the first job on offer when he got back from his travels: a postman, which suits him fine, as he clocks off at 10.30 and has the rest of the day to achieve his long-term goals. Actually, he has no long term goals, only short-term goals. He鈥檚 an obsessive. He鈥檚 the house cheerleader, who gets frustrated until the other two get on-board his crazy schemes.
In Tom鈥檚 head he鈥檚 realising his full potential in reality he鈥檚 realising very little. And at times, he鈥檚 also gross!
Played by Tom Parry.

The Pop Up Restaurant
Mad chef Tom has transformed the flat into a pop up restaurant.