Julio Bashmore
A little bit about Julio Bashmore
What is Julio Bashmore?
Julio Bashmore is a house DJ adept in playing music of the exotic persuasion.
What is Julio Bashmore not?
What is the most played tune on your mp3 player right now?
No More - Suicide Commando.
What is your guilty secret (record)?
Sisqo - Thong Song.
What was the first record you bought?
WWF Wrestling Anthems: Volume 8.
What is the soundtrack inside your head right now?
The music of John Carpenter's 'Big Trouble Little China'.
What is the biggest gig you have played?
What is the smallest gig you have played?
The Tube in Bristol (RIP).
Who would you most like to DJ head to head with?
Larry Heard.
Do you have any DJing superstitions?
Berlin doesn't like rap music.
Who would play you in the movie of your life?
Danny Trejo.
What has been the greatest moment in your life so far?
Finding inner peace.