Eli Ebrahimi
Played by Davood Ghadami
Fact title | Fact data |
Arrival |
27th July 2021
Position |
Cardiothoracic consultant and clinical lead
I have a strict no psychopaths rule on my ward. Radical, I knowEli Ebrahimi
Eli is a force of energy in every room he enters and his razor-sharp intelligence means that his mouth can barely keep up with his thoughts. But even though Eli talks at a million miles an hour, he won’t wait for you to keep up with him. Eli is only interested in those with potential – something he’s very good at spotting. Eli is enthusiastic and will go to any lengths for a patient. Eli knows how things should be done and has no fear and is ready to go up against any who he disagrees with. But Eli can sometimes struggle with social norms. He’ll often say the wrong thing in an awkward situation and finds empathising with people difficult. All that emotional and gooey stuff just isn’t his remit. Eli is always a man with a plan and after Consultant at Holby, he’s hoping to move onto 2.5 kids, a beautiful home and a dog with his loving, religious wife. But what will Eli do is he doesn’t get his fairy-tale happy ending?