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Beppe Di Marco

Copper Beppe Di Marco, the Italian stallion, was a force to be reckoned with when it came to the ladies.

Fact title Fact data
First appearance:
29th January 1998
Last appearance:
4th June 2002
Disgraced ex-policeman

With Walford's most precisely pruned goatee beard, Beppe was the pride of the Di Marcos. So it rocked the family when he was fired from the force for misconduct, after attempting to frame Grant Mitchell.

What can I get you beautiful ladies?
Beppe Di Marco

However, losing his day job meant that Beppe could devote his time to a more rewarding pastime - namedly THE LADIES. The local heart-throb had his pick of Albert Square's honies, but his numerous relationships mostly ended in disaster.

Eventually, Beppe fell under the spell of loudmouth Lynne Slater, even attempting to drag her from the altar on her wedding day. But Lynne persisted in marrying Garry Hobbs.

Upon news of his mother's sudden death, Beppe sold his club E20 to Sharon and left Walford for pastures new, leaving an opening for a new vest-wearing stud in Walford...

Played by Michael Greco