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Pam Coker

A small woman with a big heart, Pam Coker will bend your ear, offer you a shoulder and help mend your broken heart.

Fact title Fact data
First appearance
14th April 2014
Last appearance
14th October 2016
53A Turpin Road
Market Trader

Pam Coker is the sort of woman who seems physically incapable of not talking. A chatterbox who speaks at a million miles an hour, she constantly has her nose in everybody鈥檚 business.

The speed of her mouth is only matched by the size of her heart, however, and her interest in other people鈥檚 lives comes from a genuine curiosity and affection for almost everyone she meets.

Pam can (and will) get on with anyone. She chooses to see the world through rose-tinted glasses. With a strong moral code she can be quick to judge, but also has a huge capacity to forgive. She鈥檚 a people person and can instantly establish a personal relationship with everyone she meets.

Played by Lin Blakley