17/02/2019 GMT
The Conversation hits the road for a debate on what it means to be a woman in Pakistan.
We’re taking the ‘The Conversation’ on the road, staging a series of debates examining and challenging our thinking of what it means to be a woman in different parts of the world right now.
We start in Pakistan, a country placed second to last in the latest Global Gender Gap Index, beaten only by war-ravaged Yemen. And yet this is a place that has voted in a female Prime Minister, had female generals within the armed forces and a strong feminist movement ever since its birth in 1947.
A panel of successful and outspoken influencers, each leaders in their field will question, test and sometimes shatter our pre-conceptions of what it means to be female in Pakistan.
The debate will be staged in front of a student audience from a Karachi University – The Institute of Business Administration. Presented by Kim Chakanetsa.
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