Hammond Organ
A Hammond organ is a specific type of electronic organ. The earliest successful electronic organs were developed by Laurens Hammond in 1935. The Hammond organ has slide bars for stops which renders a great deal of control over the level of the specific sounds the performer may wish to enhance. 
Harmony The musical structure behind a or tune, usually in the form of a series of .The harmony is the musical base layer of a song upon which all the other elements are built. 
Hi-Hat High-hats are cymbals arranged in a specific manner. Two cymbals are placed on a stand horizontally. The lower cymbal is stationary and attached to the stand while the upper cymbal is moveable and attached to a spindle that runs through the body of the stand. As the pedal is depressed, the top portion of the high-hat comes together with the lower portion. 
Hook 听The hook is the line of words and music that catches the listener's ear, holds his/her interest, sustains that interest and pulls the listener along to the end of the song. It is that one line - both musically and lyrically -- that listeners will remember long after the song is over. 
