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The Poignancy of Poinsettias
by Epponn-kneerae
"It's comin' on Christmas,
Poinsettias massing on supermarket shelves ..."
Ruth the telepath
by Sovietsong
"David says nothing
Just expects his wife to be
Ruth the telepath ..."
The llamas intervene
by Deb Z
"You know," said Wolfgang, after a few minutes, "You ought dress up more ofden as chambermaid, you look quide good een thad oudfeet ..."
Efening ad the Llamas
by Deb Z
"No," smiled Constanza, batting her eyelashes at him, "We haff romanteec efeneeng ..."
From Ambridge to Limerick
"... Sophie Barlow, we love her, she's sweet
Her visit is really a treat
But will David she steer
To the treehouse, m'dear
And pay back deceit with deceit..."
From Ambridge to Limerick
"... Sophie Barlow, we love her, she's sweet
Her visit is really a treat
But will David she steer
To the treehouse, m'dear
And pay back deceit with deceit..."
Titcombe's Declaration
by Vicky S
"... In his imagination he travelled to Spring. New growth, renewal, spikes of green pushing up through the rich Borsetshire loam ..."
Lily's news
by Vicky S
"... we went past my cousins house his dad is a vet and is good at dead animals ..."
The Travels of Ed
by Walter Littlewood
"... Ed had no destination in mind as he reached the Borchester by-pass ..."
Ambridge World Cup
by DebZ
"... Caroline Sterling: Italy. Much like France but comes with a hint of scandal ..."
Mañana para la mañana
by DebZ
"... "Now, Wessmeenster Catheedral fullee booked unteel Julio 2008" ..."
Foiled 'gain
by DebZ
"... "Marmalade." breathed Constanza, expectantly. "Ees there anee theeng else you wan' say to me?" ..."
Desperate Housewives Anonymous
by Vicky S
"... Dorcas in her down-at-heel hushpuppies. Venus in her Geiger pumps. Circe in her cheap market stall slingbacks. Demeter in her shabby clogs ..."
Wheestleeng een the weend
by Deb Z
"... Whad do you know of the angueesh of a mother? Does Eddee comprehend whad thees ees doeeng to Claree? I wash my hoofs of all of you! ..."
Grand Designs
by Vicky S
"... Thank you for your letter enclosing the rough sketch of your plans for the barn conversion you and your partner are planning on your dairy farm ..."
Mothering Sunday Duty
by Vicky S
"... I've sent you some flowers, they're on the way ..."
A fine peeckle ...
by Deb Z
"... You doan care thad Montee probablee become juvenile delinquent! ..."
A mother's care
by Fancy_Day
"... Jill smiled to herself as she added home made stock to the casserole ..."
Boxcar Wolfie
by DebZ
"... We was so poor," continued Wolfgang, "we used stand oudside chippee for cast off newspapers ..."
A Chicken's Tale
by Vicky S
"... every door up time is new knowing. every door down time is new thinking ..."
Thanks for ... by DebZ "Eet was lovelee funeral," sniffed Constanza, removing her ribbons ..."
Constanza Calling ... by DebZ "Hola! Ees thad Bee Bee See AccÃon Line? ..."
When We Were Very Small by VickyS "My head hurts, and my tummy hurts. Where's my mummy? I want my mummy ..."
Musical Archairs by Gnome de Plume "Darkness sank over Ambridge Organics. Stupid people, stupid world. What a waste of space everyone was! ..."
Tuning in The Archers take over the Radio 4 schedule ...
Fifty Years On?
by Misty "The figure stopped drying her hair and began to get into bed beside Phil. ..."
Parrots and Pomeranians
by Vicky S "everyone knows Pomeranians are possessive and sensitive to loud noises ..."
Bridge Farm 2020
by Bella Milbanke "we've been putting out his dinner place for 15 years and he's never once turned up ..."
Alistair Gets his Goat
by Gnome de Plume "Vets make diagnomic decisions, then give bad-tasting sweeties to animals! Easy peasy."
Summer fantasies
A bumper selection, with parodies from Rudyard Kipling to Little Britain.
Susan's Lament
by Jenny Darling
"... Oh welcome to my little home it's very clean and new ..."
Regina vs Shula
by Gnome de Plume
"... The judge raised a hand; silence fell like a stone ..."
Wedding of the Year
by Early Closing
"... at this point Mrs Elizabeth Pargetter choked on a salmon bone ..."
by Deb Z
"... . Large tears welled in Constanza's eyes and dripped into a small pool on the floor ..."
Brenda goes for it
by Gnome de Plume
"... she strode strongly towards the office, a smile on her face, a song in her heart ..."
Great Pargetters Remembered
"... he lost the manuscript in a bet on a ferret race ..."
Dead Girl by Little Dot "...Alice felt very afraid, but she walked steadily forward, eyes fixed on the shape ..."
Predee Polee (tunnels)
by Deb Z
"... I theenk thad I shall nefer see, a theeng as lovlee as a tree, sang Wolfgang happily ..."
Izzy's trip to Brookfield
by Litchick
"...the looming form of Ruth Archer began to swim into focus ..."
Miss Archer's day out
by Vicky S
"...it had taken her nearly an hour to tease her hair into the masses of little plaits ..."
Efer deecreeseeng circles
by Deb Z
"... You mighd say there thad Joleene haf El Seed by shord and Curlee, no? ..."
Memento Mori
by Deb Z
"... Staring into the distance, Constanza pondered this deeply affecting vision ..."
Alan and the Erchers
by Liz Simpson
"... seeing Bathsheba bathing on her roof does have a certain resonance in Ambridge ..."
Archers Parodies?
Go to our new Parodies page and choose from our literate and witty Archers parodies that range in style from Alan Clark's Diaries and Flashman to Georgette Heyer. |
Devil's brood
by Deb Z
"Well, speak of the devil, thought Josh, as they arrived at Glebe Cottage ..."
Kenton's Kabin by Mace Spray
had thought of everything... or had he?"
Brian Aldridge - This is Your Life! by Deborah Z
"...WeÂ’re here today to celebrate the life of a man who has brought pleasure to countless women."
Responsible Disposal of Vermin
by Primrose Moocow
"Ruth looked up from her desperate filling out of the Sheep Annual Premium claim form ..."
A Shadow in the Night
by G M Seed
"The figure crept towards a grey mare in the corner box. She looked built for speed - important to put distance between the fugitive and the pursuers who would be so quickly on the trail ..."
Devil Rides In
by Steve Killick
A new vicar - cause for rejoicing? "‘Oooh a new Vicar, Aunty Chris, how exciting,’ trilled Shula, as she flicked through the pages of Horse and Hound. ‘And didn't the Liberty and Livelihood march go down so well?’"
The Bess Laid Scheemes
by Deborah Z "...‘Wolfang,’said Constanza ’we must act. We cannot let thees happen. We must begeen revolucion!’..."
Working Girl
by Sheila Soviet Song
"Tom admired her new navy DKNY suit and stilletoed Manolos ..."
Eddie's answerphone
by Vicky S
"As usual World of Grundy turkeys will be available ..."
Southern Cross Hospital
by Vicky S
"Mel lay back on the pillows and smiled bravely ..."
Hush by Mayqueen "... Along the road come six figures. They seem to glide effortlessly and a closer examination shows that, marionette-esque, they are indeed gliding, about a foot above the ground ..."
Pargetters by various
"... Hubert de Pargyterre was not present to witness the signing of Magna Carta on Runymede, as he had been misdirected to Canvey Island ..."
Double Whammy by Liz Simpson
"...Well, Simon had four tickets for a recording of I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue in Borchester last night. Apparently it's a funny radio programme ..."
The Ultimate Speaking Part by SheilaSovietSong "BrianÂ’s
Car sat outside Lower Loxley, trying to control his nerves. Only a few minutes to go now, and then it was it, his greatest moment so far."
Trial by Jury by Ken E "...Prisoner
at the bar, how do you plead?
Brian: Well, normally something like "Jenny, forgive me; I'll always love you." That usually does the trick..."
by Primrose Moocow
"Phil lifted his eyes from the music manuscript. ‘It's almost there, dear, almost finished, and, if I may say so, it will be a masterpiece ...’"
Liz Shears by Appolonia
"...A high pitched whining drew nearer and it soon became
clear that Elizabeth once again wasn't happy ..."
The Ambridge Abduction by Brian Whitby
With some excellent and original artwork. "...Avtar sighed and absent-mindedly scraped all three of his spindly fingers across his bare, bulbous grey head. "Has it all been in vain?" he asked, more to himself than to his companion ..."
by Marmite by Mel O'Drama "...I haven’t seen anything like that since my days of ration coupon counterfeiting in the war, said Peggy, dewy eyed ..."
Who shot BA? by Little Dot "...Alice wished her parents would just sort out what they were going to do: that her father would just leave, if that's what he wanted ..."
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Way the Cookie Crumbles
by Boudicca (Queen) "...Daniel Hebden-Lloyd carefully analysed the reasons why his most recent attempt to kill his step-father had failed ..."
HSE or not to HSE? by Anne Goode
"...Debbie looked thoughtfully from the 9 button on the Home Farm yard office telephone to the accident book and out to the scene in the lower yard ..."
The Witches of Ambridge by Little Dot "In the kitchen at Home Farm three figures were seated around the circular table. Five candles lit their faces with a flickering, ghostly light ..."
Sorry to leave? Moi? by Mary Sanderson "Urrgh Urrgh," Jill squeaked. Ruth lassooed her ankles and started tugging. "Urrgh Urrgh," Jill squeaked again. David appeared with a stout walking stick ..."
Siobhan's Three Wishes by Liz Simpson "That's just the kind of toot that Christine wants to fill up her house with - I'll just buff it up." And as she did so, a plume of blue smoke came out of the spout ..."
The Ghost of Keepers Past
by Ken E
"Suddenly, though the doorway comes a ghastly apparition ..."
Landlord, Fill the Flowing Bowl
by Ken E
"Pat a gnome's 'ead
Each night before bed ..."
Revenge of the Neglected Woman
by Eve Robinson
"Eet ees ‘orrible! It is affreux! It is abominable ..."
The Erchers (sum mair...)
by Liz Simpson
"...Davey Ercher was enjoying a pint of heavy with his brither Kenny ..."
Poedree Pleese
by Deb Z
"Santa Maria y todos los santos!" expostulated Constanza ..."
Matches and Meetches
by Deb Z
"Eet catastrophe! Tch, tch, tch ..."
by Boudicca (Queen)
"Shula gazed disconsolately at her legs ..."
Pachelbel's Canon
a relay story
"Alan paused in shock, and his face visibly paled ..."
When the Revolution Came
by Anglo-Norman
"It began like a normal day. The sun was shining, the tea was brewing, the strawberries were ripening ..."
The Diary of Chaba P
by Clint Driftwood
"I am in Ambridge to start my jobbings as strawberry plucker ..."
The Erchers (agane,Ìýagane)
by Liz Simpson
"Davey Ercher sat in the darkest corner of the bar, nursing not only a pint o' heavy, but also ..."
The Summer of Love
by Mandy Lifeboats
"What does it matter?" Lynda murmured. "Winning, losing, it's all so illusory. It's life that's important. I love life ..."

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